MMS Meeting
The Secret History of Mushrooms
Come learn about the biggest surprises that recent studies in DNA have shown us about the (until now) secret history of mushrooms on the planet!
Danny Miller first got interested in mushrooms in 2007 after seeing strange colorful creatures in the forest all the time while hiking and skiing off-trail, and finally decided he had to find out what they were. The more he learned, the more interesting they seemed, and it just hasn’t stopped.
Danny is the Education Chair for the Puget Sound Mycological Society, helping to design and teach the curriculum for the club’s mycology classes. He is also the club Librarian, and ID Committee co-ordinator and an emergency poisoning point person for King County Washington Poison Control. Danny also belongs to the Pacific Northwest (PNW) Key Council, a group of amateur and professional mycologists, and is a co-author with Ian Gibson of the free PNW mushroom ID program, MycoMatch (MatchMaker) for PC and MycoMatch Mobile (Beta) for iPhone. He has a big interest in taxonomy and figuring out where all of the mushrooms fit into the fungal tree of life, and is currently trying to collect the DNA of every PNW species to determine which still need names. You can follow the results at Danny’s DNA Discoveries.
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