MMS 2023 Photo Contest – Entries Deadline

MMS 2023 Photo Contest – Entries Deadline

October 31, 2023 all-day
Nan Etzwiler

2022 Blewit Award, Marjie Carr-Oxley

The annual MMS Photo Contest for 2023 has begun!

All photo submittals are due by midnight on Monday, October 31, 2023.
Please review MMS-Photo-Contest-Rules-2023 before submitting your entries. This is a members-only event. If you have any questions contact Nan Etzwiler, contest coordinator at

Photos will be anonymously ranked by a jury of past award winners and one who has not previously won. Judges do not vote for their own submissions and their scores are re-averaged. First through Fourth Place awards will be given in each of the three categories, with at least one award in each category being given to an entrant who has not won more than twice since 2013 (excluding Honorable Mentions). In addition to the “Place” awards, the submission across all categories that earns the most votes will win the prestigious “Blewit Award.”

You can view winning photos for previous contests on our Photo Galleries page.