Accepting Nominations Now for MMS 2025 Board Positions!

Accepting Nominations Now for MMS 2025 Board Positions!

October 28, 2024 all-day

What does it take to run our 1,215+ member organization? Volunteers! As part of our all-volunteer organization, the Board is comprised of elected officers and appointed committee chairs. Board members meet monthly by Zoom (currently, the first Monday of each month at 7 pm) to conduct the club’s business and coordinate the work of its various committees. Please, we need members to step up and be willing to support our organization NOW in order to continue providing the level of membership benefits we all currently enjoy!

Board positions up for election

Nominations are now open for the following officer positions to be elected for a two-year term, 2025 – 2026. The descriptions of these positions are from our bylaws:

  • Vice President (currently held by Kathy Yerich): “The Vice President shall assume the duties of the President’s office in the absence of the President.”
  • Corresponding Secretary (currently held by Jane Onorati): “The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct all of the Society’s correspondence.”
  • Treasurer (currently held by Therese Casey): “The Treasurer shall handle the Society’s funds, maintain financial records and make reports to the membership at the annual business meeting.”
  • Member-at-Large (one of two positions, currently held by David King): “Members-at-Large participate in all board meetings and assist in ways mutually agreed upon with the President.”

Who can be nominated?

Anyone who has been a member since the first week in August 2024 is eligible to run for election.  Currently, no incumbent officers have chosen to run again, but all are happy to support newly elected officers to their positions.

How do you nominate someone?

Submit nominations of yourself or another member (with that person’s permission), along with a brief description of the candidate’s interest and past activities with the MMS (not to exceed 350 words). The ballot with submitted nominations will be sent to members in early November for voting. All nominations must be received by Monday, October 28th. Please send them to Adele Mehta,, chairperson of the Governance Committee, and also any questions about either the positions or the nomination process.

What does the actual work of an officer look like?

Our bylaws only provide a brief description of the role of each position. Specific responsibilities have evolved over time according to the changing needs of our organization, new business practices and new technology. This is especially applies to two of our open positions. For more insight into these two positions, see Key Responsibilities: MMS Corresponding Secretary and MMS Treasurer, written by the current office holders.