MMS Annual Potluck – members only!

MMS Annual Potluck – members only!

November 12, 2018 @ 7:00 pm
U of M Continuing Education and Conference Center
1890 Buford Avenue
Saint Paul
MN 55108

The 2018 MMS Annual Potluck Dinner will be held on Monday, November 12th, 7:00 pm at the University of Minnesota Continuing Education and Conference Center about 2 blocks away from our normal meeting site at Green Hall on the corner of Buford and Gortner Avenues. All lots near there are pay lots so you will need to pay for parking.
Continuing Education Conference Center directions and parking info.

This event is for members only with no exceptions!!!!!

In preparing a dish for the potluck, please remember to use only one of the species of wild mushrooms listed below, and only use one wild species per dish. This list is smaller than in the past for a number of reasons, but primarily to address safety concerns. Dishes with any other mushrooms will not be allowed, however a member may request in advance to the president to include one of the past species or another that is widely accepted as edible. This will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Commercially purchased mushrooms, cultivated mushrooms and non-mushroom dishes are also welcomed. In no case will Honey Caps, Armilleria mellea complex, be allowed. All dishes will require a recipe and ingredients list due to food allergy issues – no exceptions, please!

Acceptable wild mushrooms (one per dish):

  1. Puffball, Large – Calvatia gigantea
  2. Sulfur Shelf – Laetiporus species
  3. Hen of the Woods – Grifola frondosa
  4. Morel – Morchella species
  5. Black Trumpet – Craterellus cornucopioides or fallax
  6. Lobster – Hypomyces lactifluorum

Meeting business will be conducted before the potluck: Officer Elections and Golden Chanterelle nominations.